Chinese translation for "spa hotel"
- 矿泉疗养院
Related Translations:
spa: n.1.矿泉,温泉;温泉疗养地。2.游乐胜地[豪华旅馆]。3.〔美国〕(新英格兰的药房等附设的)冷饮部。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Hot sping spa hotel , tea bar of mountains and forests 温泉spa宾馆山林茶吧。 | | 2. | Customers can enjoy sangdae spa hotel the spring water which comes from 499m below the sea level . about 1 , 200t of natural spring water comes out everyday with ph 从新罗时代开始被称为温岩井的温岩泉水,在1972年经过国立地质研究所勘查发现温泉水。 | | 3. | Rising out of the mist amid some of the most sublime alpine scenery in europe , a spa hotel built on the site of adolf hitler ' s mountain eyrie hopes to exorcise the ghost of the nazi leader 有着阿尔卑斯山脉世外桃源之称的奥柏萨尔斯堡山曾是阿道夫?希特勒私人别墅的所在地,现在一座豪华的温泉饭店已在那里拔地而起。 | | 4. | Room type with standard room , standard single room , deluxe suite , japanese single room . hot spring spa hotel as the five - star spa , with the area of 740 square meter , has business single room , business suite and family suite amount to 52 rooms 中心酒店房间类型有:标准间标准单间豪华套间日式单间温泉spa宾馆为准五星级spa会所,建筑面积740平方米,共拥有商务单间商务套间及家庭套间共52间。 |
- Similar Words:
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